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0845 340 0051

My Insurer Won’t Pay
The Disputed Insurance
claims specialist

We act for consumers and businesses who have had genuine insurance claims over £5,000 rejected within the last 5 years or the offer made on their insurance claim is too low.

Was your...


Did the insurance company make the wrong decision?

Is your claim worth over £5,000?

Is your claim still ongoing?

Is your overall claim worth over £5,000?

Yes, You could be Entitled to Claim!

Please complete your details below to put your claim into progress…

Please enter a valid name (no numbers)
Please enter a valid Phone Number (must begin with either +44 or 0 and have 9-12 following digits.)
Please enter a claim value

We can help people like you

We can offer you advice and assistance when your Insurance Company has rejected your claim, refused to pay you what your claim is worth, or given some other reason not to pay you. 

The Insurance Company may be alleging you failed to tell them something when you took out the Policy, or that you have exaggerated the value of your claim.

A qualified and assured solicitor can help you claim back what is rightfully yours.

Read Our Success Stories



Most Solicitors require large amounts of money upfront to review your claim with no guarantee of success and this money will not be returned if your case is lost. My Insurer Won’t Pay will review your claim for a nominal fee and advise if you have sufficient prospects to proceed.

If you wish to proceed we will introduce you to a specialist solicitor from our panel,  who will review your policy claim rejection and advise you on the chance of success, the value of your claim and how long it could take to settle.


If you decide to proceed with your claim, your case will be handled by our panel solicitor. You will be provided with updates on a regular basis, as appropriate from your appointed Solicitor and in most cases, NO WIN, NO FEE basis.

Insurers are aware that you are most likely to accept their decision to reject your claim and simply put it down to bad experience. My Insurer Won’t Pay provides you with a platform to fight the insurance company and win.

The Insurance Act 2015 states an insurance company can’t reject your claim if you took reasonable care to answer all their questions honestly and to the best of your knowledge. It places additional responsibility on insurance companies to ask the right questions in order to decide whether or not to insure potential policyholders and at what costs, rather than the burden being on policyholders to disclose information which may be relevant.